Muddy rugby girl

Celebrating Triumphs: A Joyful Journey in Girls’ Rugby at Canterbury Rugby Club

Becky McCracken - Girls Section Manager
Becky McCracken – Girls Section Manager

Hello, everyone! As the Girls Section Manager at Canterbury Rugby Club, I’m excited to share the incredible strides we’ve made in girls’ rugby this International Women’s Day. Our focus has been on creating a vibrant and inclusive space, and the positivity and growth are truly something to celebrate.

Personal Perspective:

Being part of this journey has been immensely rewarding. Witnessing the enthusiasm and talent emerging from our girls is a joy. Personally, it’s heartening to see the positive impact we’re making. The passion and camaraderie among the players are infectious, fueling my commitment to cultivating a thriving environment for girls in rugby.

Club’s Vibrant Commitment:

Canterbury Rugby Club is buzzing with positivity and energy. Our commitment to girls’ rugby is not just about playing the game but fostering an environment where every girl feels valued and supported. The enthusiasm and spirit within the club are contagious, creating a vibrant community that transcends the boundaries of the pitch.

Embracing Cultural Shifts:

We’re not just changing the game; we’re changing the culture. Canterbury Rugby Club has become a hub of positivity, challenging norms and embracing inclusivity. It’s inspiring to witness the cultural shifts taking place within the club, where every girl is encouraged to thrive and showcase her unique talents.

Acknowledging Triumphs:

Let’s take a moment to celebrate our triumphs. The progress we’ve made in girls’ rugby has elevated the entire club’s atmosphere. We’re fostering a sense of empowerment, encouraging girls to pursue their passion for rugby with confidence. Each success, whether big or small, is a testament to the positive transformation happening at Canterbury Rugby Club.

Looking Forward:

As we bask in the joy of our achievements, we also look forward to an even brighter future. Our focus remains on creating a space where positivity flourishes, talent thrives, and every girl feels empowered. This International Women’s Day, let’s revel in the positivity we’ve cultivated and continue shaping a vibrant and inclusive future for girls in rugby at Canterbury Rugby Club. Cheers to more triumphs ahead!

Posted in IWD