Jamie Stephens Stays for 2022-23

Canterbury Rugby Club is proud to announce our first signing for the 2022-23 season is current club captain, Jamie Stephens.

Jamie Stephens has played through all levels of Canterbury Rugby Club: beginning as a young child in our Mini & Youth section, and then working his way up through the senior mens rugby teams at our club.

He first appeared for Canterbury’s 1st XV in 2017 at home against Clifton, becoming club captain in 2021.

Jamie has appeared for Canterbury’s 1st XV 76 times so far, with still more to give to the club.

On his continuing at Canterbury, Jamie Stephens said: ‘It’s great to be able to stay at the club for another season, as I feel I have so much more to offer the club’.

When asked about re-signing Jamie, head coach Matt Corker said: ‘Jamie has been an excellent ambassador for Canterbury on and off the field, I’m so glad he has chosen to stay with us for another season’.


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Copyright – Phillipa Hilton / Canterbury Rugby Club

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Copyright – Phillipa Hilton / Canterbury Rugby Club