Chairman’s message – We are back!

Rugby training can recommence on Wednesday 2 December 2020, at this time we all have to assume that it will be at stage A on the return to community road map, as soon as we get confirmation we will advise of any changes.

Lockdown 2 has given the opportunity to review our facilities, furniture has been changed, TV’s and sound system are having an overhaul, the changing rooms are being re-painted, our medical facilities have been upgraded, a wood burning stove has been installed in the clubhouse and a coffee shop is to be created internally at the end of the clubhouse in the new year. These are alongside numerous odd jobs that have been completed with many more to come.

The down side of Tier 3 is that our bar and catering facilities have to remain closed, therefore we have been forced to cancel the lunch on December 5 and the John Bentley fundraiser on the 11 December. We hope possibly in vain to be able to still hold the Christmas lunch on the 19 December.

The shop will be open on Sundays from today (29/11) from 9 am to 11 am

Looking forward we will be able to return to full midweek training from Monday 4 January 2021 as we have slots booked on the STP at the Langton.

We have a number of volunteer vacancies which we are keen to fill, whilst rugby is quiet, we are looking for a club secretary, a mini fixtures secretary, a volunteer coordinator  and help with the teams who are currently running safeguarding, communications, social, facilities and ground. f you feel you could commit around three hours per week for any of the aforementioned roles please contact me by emailing

In finishing I would like to thank all of you for your continued input and messages of support.

Best wishes


Lockdown News

I hope this message finds you all safe and well.

Please if any of you are struggling, or know of someone who is, then do not hesitate to contact me confidentially and I will ensure that we do our utmost to assist it whatever way possible. As all will be aware there is no rugby activity and the club facilities remain closed, however, please do remember that the top pitch is available for socially distancing exercise. We have every intention of opening everything up as soon Government guidelines allow. We have booked the STP at the Langton from January 1st onwards as per last season, so we are very confident that all being well, everyone will be able to make up for lost rugby.

The RFU has taken the decision to cancel all league rugby for the remainder of the season. We await the outcome of the current talks between the RFU and DCMS, as to what form of game will be allowed once rugby is given the green light to kick off. I fully appreciate that this is a extremely frustrating period of time for sponsors, spectators, parents, coaches and players both young and old.

I thank you all for your patience. I encourage you all to stay in contact with each other across the club.

Here are some helpful tips for keeping yourself active, kindly supplied by Sam Sterling

Saucy Flo’s are back cooking so please look out for their menu on the Canterbury RFC/Saucy Flo’s Facebook page.

Please book with Ted on 07914 678 679. A few delivery slots are available to the Chartham area
or collect from The Marine Travel Ground at Canterbury RFC.
Numbers are limited.

Lunches in December are on 5th and 19th. Please book by emailing

One for the diary – May Ball is on Friday 28th May 2021………..Hopefully!

In the meantime Stay Safe

CRFC Chairman

Watch England Rugby on Amazon Prime

Watch England Rugby for free this month and generate revenue for your club 

We’re encouraging all members, as well as your family and friends, to take advantage of a new offer created between the RFU and Amazon that lets you watch England Rugby for free in the Autumn Nations Cup, while also creating much needed revenue for the club.  

The Quilter Internationals kick off this Saturday and will be streamed online via  Amazon Prime. To help grassroots clubs generate revenue, Amazon have worked alongside the RFU to open up registration for clubs to become Amazon Associates.   

This means the club will now receive £3 for every member of the community who signs up to Amazon on a free one-month trial through our club’s unique Associates link below.  


 to sign up for your free one-month trial, otherwise the club won’t benefit from your subscription.  

There is no expectation for members to stay on Prime past the trial period. The club will make £3 from each individual sign-up via the unique link, regardless of whether the member stays on past the trial period or not.

If you already have Amazon Prime there is nothing stopping you having another trial with a new account/email as every little helps in these challenging times, so please spread this message and our unique URL link far and wide – friends, colleagues and neighbours are all welcome to sign up!

 For further rugby content available on Amazon Prime click here  

Chairman’s message

Hello to you all.

Lockdown 2

Please be aware that as of midnight – Sunday 1st November – the Club will close for all formal activity.
We will of course keep you abreast of any changes as and when we are notified by the RFU.

I am however very conscious of the need for all to get fresh air and exercise so the top pitch will remain usable under the guidelines as set out by UK Government.

I remain very proud of everyone in the way that you have pulled together since re-starting in the summer. The conviviality around The Marine Travel Ground has been fantastic, never have so many people put their hands up
to volunteer and there is in my mind a real sense of #one club

The hard work that has been put in so far should not stop. The Club will be doing everything it can to stay in touch with you and please it is vital that you stay in touch with us. If anyone is in need of help then
please feel free to contact me confidentially through

The support of members and sponsors is the life blood of our great Club and I hope you will all continue that support.

In the meantime Stay Safe
