Henley vs Canterbury 1st XV

Match report – Henley Hawks vs Canterbury 1st XV


by David Haigh

For much of this game Canterbury were the better side but were left with just two Dwayne Corcoran tries and a losing bonus point. Their failure to turn opportunity into points has become a recurring problem and here it surfaced again. Justice may have been done had they converted a last minute penalty but it proved too difficult. In hindsight, the decision to turn down two earlier and easier shots at goal proved costly in a tight contest that was high in commitment but short on quality.

Canterbury’s hunt for tries rather than points from the boot were misplaced and it was the Hawks, who got both their scores from driving mauls, who were better in that area. However, it was a penalty, the quick tapped variety, that saw the city side into the lead after 14 minutes as it paved the way for Corcoran’s first touchdown. Both sides were plagued by handling errors but it was the Henley forwards who eventually nudged them ahead, Canterbury conceded penalties, Hawks drove hard from the lineout, and lock Ben Harrison claimed the try. Cail Cookland’s conversion from the touchline was good but Canterbury survived further damage after Dave Irvine’ yellow card to end the half two points behind. The second forty minutes was a tale of frustration as Canterbury were in control for long periods but when Hawks did find a foothold they made it count. Another organised driving maul was topped off by hooker Tom Emery’s try but the city side rebuilt and their pressure was at last rewarded through good work by the backs. Kyan Braithwaite made space for Corcoran to dive over by the corner flag which left ten minutes to find a winning score. Canterbury came close, but not close enough.

K.Braithwaite, G.Hilton, F.Morgan (repl S.Sterling), T.Best, D.Corcoran,F.Reynolds, B.Cooper (repl D.Heads), A.Cooper (repl E.Lusher), B.Young (repl J.Otto), D.Herriott, R.Cadman, D.Irvine, J.De Vries (repl J.Stephens), W.Waddington. T.Oliver

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v Henley - 5 March 2022

Images may be subject to copyright – Phillipa Hilton
Johnnie Gaynor vs Weaveringg

Match report – Weavering 2nds vs Canterbury 5ths

CANTERBURY 5ths 39pts WEAVERING 2nds 15pts


A depleted thirteen man Canterbury Zingari side racked with injury and COVID took on a strong physical Weavering side in their away league fixture. Despite some pre-match misgivings about some players out of their normal positions it was the city side who took the early lead through a Clive Johnson try, followed by Pat Collins touching down ten minutes later, and Will Rayner blistering pace saw him go under the posts for Kevin Stevens simple conversion. Weavering a little shell shocked by Canterbury’s opening aggressive play hit back with a try of their own, before the new boy Johnnie Gaylor fresh from the training ground and making his debut for Canterbury outpaced the cover to touch down out wide to give the city a comfortable 22-7 point half time lead.

The second half opening was almost a carbon copy of the first, with Clive Johnson breaking a tackle to stretch over the line. Weavering galvanised themselves using their forward to make progress that paid dividends eventually breaking the Canterbury defence out wide, and then took advantage of some slack tackling from a short-range penalty to put them within 12 points. It was Canterbury’s turn to absorb the battering until the last ten minutes when Johnnie Gaynor had his fairy tale finish after the forward set up the move for him to break through under the posts for Stevens simple conversion. Despite Weavering’s forwards continuing to pressure Canterbury it was Canterbury who finished it off, with Freddie Vion breaking from some scrappy play near the Weavering line to force his way over to seal the game.

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Images may be subject to copyright – Jack Lloyd
Ukraine appeal - Makoshino Village

Ukraine appeal on behalf of one of our sponsors

It is very difficult at the moment not to be overwhelmed by the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in Ukraine following Russia’s recent military incursion. It is not just world leaders and international business entities, sports federations, and charitable organisations scrambling to offer aid and support to a nation under siege, but individuals are also stepping up as the fighting takes a terrible civilian toll.

One such individual is Bennjamyn Smith, CEO of BRS education, and one of our Mini and Youth Section sponsors.  Benn has been working in Ukraine for 15 years supporting a village, and taking UK children from the schools he has worked at to run holiday programmes for children in Makoshino on the River Desna. Not only does he support summer camps that teach English, Sport, and First Aid, his organisation also financially supports the Kindergarten (Nursery), School, Hospital Palace of Culture (Town Hall, Drama Theatre, and Sports Hall). In addition to this, they provide financial support with purchasing of facilities, staff wages, and running costs for the Arrata or social services for the village and Mena District.

This weekend saw an intensive attack on Chernigov, the capital of Chernigov Obalast. What was not widely reported, is the attacks held on the local villages and towns that have crucial logistical hubs including road and railway networks. The area is under heavy fire, destroying facilities and amenities that are desperately needed for the civilians, trying to live and shelter there.


Benn has set up a Just Giving page to help support and rebuild the village of Makoshino, and asks that you please give generously if you can. we do not know how this conflict will end, and what will be left once the bombs and bullets cease, but we can help secure a future for the innocent civilians caught up in a conflict that was neither of their making or choice.


You can find the Just Giving page here


Thank you.