

 Notice of calling:

As advised the AGM of the Canterbury Rugby Club has been called for Tuesday 8th August 2023 at 7 pm for a sharp 7.30 start.

The Secretary will receive

  1. Nominations duly seconded, and in writing, for the positions of President, Treasurer, and Secretary
  2. Nominations duly seconded, and in writing for positions on the Executive Committee
  3. And motions or business proposed and seconded, and in writing, in accordance with Rule 8.5 of any matter relating to the rules of the club and submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM

The email to the current Secretary is

Please find the following below:

  • Agenda
  • List of the Committee Members – For reference at the time of voting

Please note: Financials – a full breakdown of the financial statement from the club is held by the Secretary, anyone wishing to see these please contact the secretary at and they will be emailed to you as soon as they are available.

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Canterbury Rugby Union Football Club

To be held on Tuesday 8th August 2023 at the Clubhouse, Merton Lane, Canterbury at 7.00 pm. For 7.30 pm

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To consider and approve the minutes of the Annual General Meetings held on Tuesday 9th August 2022.
  3. To receive and approve a Chairman’s Report from the Committee on the affairs of the club for the season 2022/23.
  4. To receive and approve a report on the Canterbury RFC Finances for the year 2022/2023.
  5. To consider a resolution disapplying the provisions of the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, that the Membership of the Club represented at the Annual General Meeting does not require an Audit to be completed on the Accounts for the Year Ended 30th May 2022, subject to confirmation at the AGM that the accounts for the Year Ended 30th May 2023 meet the requirements.
  6. To elect officers for the forthcoming year:- a. President b. Treasurer c. Secretary
  7. To appoint other Committee Members as required.
  8. To consider any other motion or business duly proposed in accordance with Rule 8.5. This relates to any matter relating to the rules of the club proposed and seconded by Members of the Club that is submitted in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting.
  9. To hear any other relevant matter for the consideration of the Committee during the ensuing year but upon which no voting may be allowed.


  • President – Greg Mayne
  • Treasurer – Mike Dodd
  • Secretary – Sally Taylor
  • Chairman – Giles Hilton
  • Communications Officer – Denys Andrianjafy
  • Commercial Manager – Giles Hilton
  • Head of Rugby – Matt Corker
  • Mini and Youth Chairman – Matt Pinnick
  • Membership Secretary – Matt Carr
  • Safeguarding Officer – Chris Bull
  • Compliance Officer – Dom Graham