Chairman’s message

Hello to you all.

Lockdown 2

Please be aware that as of midnight – Sunday 1st November – the Club will close for all formal activity.
We will of course keep you abreast of any changes as and when we are notified by the RFU.

I am however very conscious of the need for all to get fresh air and exercise so the top pitch will remain usable under the guidelines as set out by UK Government.

I remain very proud of everyone in the way that you have pulled together since re-starting in the summer. The conviviality around The Marine Travel Ground has been fantastic, never have so many people put their hands up
to volunteer and there is in my mind a real sense of #one club

The hard work that has been put in so far should not stop. The Club will be doing everything it can to stay in touch with you and please it is vital that you stay in touch with us. If anyone is in need of help then
please feel free to contact me confidentially through

The support of members and sponsors is the life blood of our great Club and I hope you will all continue that support.

In the meantime Stay Safe
