Update on our Ukraine Appeal in Partnership with Marine Travel

At Canterbury RFC this past month we have been absolutely staggered by the immense generosity shown by our rugby family, our local community across Kent, and our wider sporting community for those who are suffering in Ukraine.

A manifested 450 boxes and bags have been collected at the Marine Travel Ground as part of a campaign started by our principle partner Marine Travel, sorted by a collective of staff from Marine and volunteers from within our rugby club, and loaded into vans which are being driven by England football fans to Poland where they will be distributed and destined for all corners of Ukraine.

We had collected so many bags and boxes of donated clothes, blankets, sanitary products, and medical supplies, that we had to stop accepting donations several days earlier than planned thanks to the absolutely overwhelming response shown by the communities which we are a part of.

Marine Travel’s amazing staff alongside our volunteer force of 14 took three hours to sort and box everything on Friday 25th. Then on Wednesday 30th the same group reconvened to load everything into the vans. We cannot thank our volunteers enough for their time and effort, and we cannot praise the staff of Marine Travel enough for their stalwart commitment to sorting and manifesting everything which was received.

We have united as a club, as a county, and as a sporting community, around the horrific events taking place in Ukraine currently.

Additionally, across two campaigns, one by our partner at BRS Education and the one by Marine Travel, we have raised (so far) a total of £28,467 (Twenty-eight-thousand, four-hundred, and sixty-seven GBP) going to support those in Ukraine.

We cannot thank our principal partner Marine Travel or our partner BRS Education enough for the work they are doing to try and better the situations which people are finding themselves locked into.

Thank you all for donating to our collection, we had no expectation of filling two of our containers with donations.

Thank you to Marine AFC for joining us across sports and across the country in supporting Ukraine.

Thank you to our many volunteers who helped to sort and load everything.

Thank you to England football fans, for driving the massive quantities from our club all the way to Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini.

If you wish to join us in our continued support of Ukraine you can do so by donating to the Marine Travel GoFundMe or BRS Education’s JustGiving

Match Report – Sevenoaks 4th XV vs Canterbury 3rd XV

By John Scurr

Sevenoaks 4th 11pt, Canterbury 3rds 15pts

Canterbury 3rds make a second half comeback to stay top of their league against a strong Sevenoaks side.

The city side had a torrid first half unable to contain Sevenoaks conceding penalties and a well taken try to go in at halftime with an eleven-point deficit. Whatever the team talk was at halftime seemed to do the trick.

The city side started their comeback with Tom short breaking from a rolling maul to burst over wide out to break the duck. This lifted the side and with Jonny Madden quick service from the midfield to give captain Ollie Simpson a try in the corner, all that was left was for Sam Merrell touch down in the other corner to seal the hard earned win.

Match Report – Faversham RUFC Castaways vs Canterbury Zingari

By John Scurr

Faversham 2nds 7pts Canterbury 57pts

Canterbury cement their second place league position with an overwhelming win against a well drilled Faversham side. The city side made their intentions clear from the start with Jerome Weigh’s trade mark try breaking line from short range. This settled the sides confidence and they began to dominate play, recycling the ball at will and opening up Faversham’s defence for the backs to get their share of glory with try’s from Toby Allen and Tim Collins. Faversham did manage a reply after a loose Canterbury ball was intercepted for a converted try, but could not stop the city side amassing a 30 to 7 halftime lead. The second half it was business as usual with Canterbury dominance opening the gaps in the mid-field running in more try’s, but the last word was from the forwards with a quickly tap penalty touching down from short range to seal the match.

Match Report – Redruth RFC vs Canterbury 1st XV


by Andy Rogers

Not helped by a misfiring line out, and shipping seven tries to one, Canterbury’s blunt attack was never a match for promotion chasing Redruth. It was however the visitors who in the first minute opened the scoring when from a turnover in the Redruth 22, Kyan Braithwaite slotting a simple penalty. But that was about as good as it got for a Canterbury side showing plenty of endeavour but very little else. Redruth in contrast, served by their powerful runners in the 10, 12 and 13 channels, proceeded to pick the Canterbury defence apart. Four first half tries, all expertly converted by Redruth’s lively fly half Fraser Honey, had the win and the bonus point wrapped up by half time.

One might be forgiven for thinking this was now a damage limitation exercise for the City men and so it proved as Redruth, now playing with the elements and towards the famous Hellfire Corner, went on to score a further three tries, all again converted by that man Honey.

In contrast, Canterbury had very little attacking threat to offer, saved perhaps by their best moment in the game. It came in the 68th minute when from broken play centre Frank Morgan cut a lovely line through the Redruth defence. Quick hands from 18 year old debutant full back Harry Legg released winger Guy Hilton for a simple run in under the posts, Braithwaite converting. A consolation score maybe but a great example of what this side is capable of when they get it right. The challenge now is to get it right more often.


View match photos


Images may be subject to copyright – Phillipa Hilton


The Queens Green Canopy Tree Planting at CRFC

In an effort to reach the carbon net-zero target by 2050 the UK is committed to planting millions more trees. 

Canterbury RFC applied for a selection of trees through The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC): Plant a Tree for the Jubilee initiative. This is a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Everyone across the UK is being invited to plant trees from October 2021, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022. 

Through this scheme, Woodland Trust supplied us with 2 boxes of Medium Year Round Colour and one Small Copse. Woodland Trust has been generously funded by Sainsbury’s, Lloyds Bank, Ovo Energy, DFS, Joules, Bank of Scotland, and Sofology to give away hundreds of thousands of trees to schools and communities.

A work party of John, Dave, Rob, and Sally arrived at the club at 8 am on March 16th and after a couple of hours work planted, caned, and protected all of the saplings which we received along the far side of the orchard pitches, and along the bottom edge also.

The saplings will grow into a gorgeous mix of silver birch, rowan, wild cherry, hazel, and dogwoods.

When grown these trees will not only provide climate protection, but berries for birds, autumn colour, and in leaf berry, and bark displays.

At CRFC we are doing our bit, to help the climate, local wildlife, and the visual impact of the club.

To find out more about QGC, please visit their website.

Match Report – Canterbury Ladies vs Beccehamian Ladies

  1. Canterbury Ladies vs Beccehamian Ladies
    A game of two halves  against Beccehamian. Featuring some really solid defensive plays and sharp lines by the ladies, scoring a mighty seven tries and continuing to dominate the league’s standings.

With an unquestionable workrate of the team.

We now look ahead to ensuring our dominant position atop the table.

Tries and conversions were achieved by:

Amelea Montgomery
Rachael Austerberry
Ollie Andrews
Jemma-Jo Linkins (x2)
Daniella Charles
Charlotte Andrews

Jemma-Jo Linkins (x5)


Images may be subject to copyright – Jack Lloyd

Marine FC and CRFC support Ukraine appeal

Canterbury RUFC and Marine FC unite in support of Ukraine

Two sports clubs at opposite ends of England are joining forces to support Ukraine and bring help to the unfolding refugee crisis. Canterbury Rugby Club and the Marine Football Club in Liverpool are jointly supporting an initiative by the Canterbury-based Marine Travel Company. The company is principal sponsor of both clubs. It is being driven by Marine Travel’s Managing director, Dave Thompson, who is actively assisting in the supply of vital materials to the people of Ukraine.

It is hard to move without being exposed to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. The conflict has shocked and mobilised in equal measure. The political landscape is in the balance due to the protagonists involved, but that should not sway us from our moral obligation of offering support and comfort to the innocents caught up in the constant bombardment and uncertainty the Ukrainians currently find themselves in.

We must use all platforms available to us to advocate for a peaceful and humanitarian resolution. Sport has always been a global unifying voice and in this spirit, Canterbury RUFC and Marine FC have come together to support an initiative being driven by Marine Travel Managing Director Dave Thompson, sponsor of both teams.

At Canterbury RUFC warm clothes can be donated to be despatched to Krakow in Poland and distributed amongst the ever-growing populations of Ukrainian refugees seeking to escape the devastation unfolding in their country.

Online, a Go Fund Me page has been set up to collect financial donations that will be directly used to ease the suffering of those caught up in a situation not of their own making or design.

Both clubs will use their considerable online influence to promote Dave’s efforts to ensure we are doing more than just listening to what is happening but doing our part to join hands and help those in need.

Both clubs’ Chairmen stand united in their support.

“Team sport is reliant upon individuals to pull together to achieve their overall performance. The current circumstances in Ukraine highlight this. We must all be together to achieve.

Through one person, Dave Thompson, President of Marine AFC and Principal Sponsor of both Marine and Canterbury RFC, united through his company Marine Travel both Clubs are pleased to be supporting his initiative to bring much-needed aid and humanitarian supplies to war-torn Ukraine. Please visit either Club’s website or donated financially through the Go Fund Me link”
Giles Hilton MBE, Canterbury RUFC Chairman

“At this time, we need to stand together to support the people of Ukraine who are facing such terrible circumstances, and Canterbury RUFC and Marine FC are united in the message that we all need to do what we can to help what is a dreadful situation which in 2022 should not be happening.

Marine FC and Canterbury RUFC are both sponsored by Marine Travel and MD Dave Thompson who is actively assisting to provide aid in the supply of vital materials to the people of Ukraine at the borders of Poland and Ukraine.”
Paul Leary, Chairman Marine FC

The Go Fund Me page can be found at this address – https://www.gofundme.com/f/ukraine-supply-support-trip-by-england-fan

Marine FC – https://marinefc.com/

Media contact
Canterbury RUFC – Denys Andrianjafy communications@cantrugby.co.uk

Ukraine Appeal

Ukraine appeal on behalf of our Principal Sponsor

Please help.

As the humanitarian crisis unfolds, it is difficult to envisage the hardship the innocents caught up in the conflict are having to endure on an hour to hour, and even minute to minute basis. The uncertainty of where safe corridors for evacuation are, and if they are even safe, how families can keep warm and feed themselves to stave off exhaustion, and whether civilians can have the slightest moment of respite as the invading juggernaut rolls ever closer.

It is heart-warming to see how many have stepped up to either make their voices of protest heard or provided supplies and support to be sent directly to those in need. Our Principal Sponsor, Marine Travel, is one such organisation, and Canterbury Rugby Club is proud to support their appeal and effort.  We are collecting warm clothing for all ages, and blankets to be taken to Krakow and distributed amongst the tens of thousands of refugees who have had to flee their homes often, with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Men, women, and children fearing for their lives and that of their loved ones, forced to abandon their homes and throw themselves at the mercy of neighbouring countries and agencies in the hope of finding safety, security, and an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Time is critical and there is a need to mobilise quickly to get aid to those who need it the most.

There will be a drop-off point at the Marine Travel Ground, Merton Lane North, Canterbury,  CT4 7DZ. It will be open from Monday 14th March till Saturday 19th March.

Drop-off time between 8.30 am and 7.00 pm. The collection point will be located under the covered area of the clubhouse and clearly signposted.

Please ensure that your donations are washed and clean.

If you also have any spare Dollars or Euros, please bring them too as that will go towards the purchase of perishables once the clothing parcels reach Krakow. You will be able to hand them in to the Staff at our club restaurant Saucy Flo’s, Tuesday to Saturday – 8.00 am – 12.00 pm and 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

If you cannot make it to the club, yet still wish to donate, Dave Thompson, Managing Director of Marine travel, has set up a Go Fund Me page. To donate, please go to  – https://bit.ly/ukraine-go-fund-me

Thank you for all of your support and continued generosity.

Guy Hilton vs Hinckley

Canterbury 1st XV vs Hinckley RFC


by David Haigh

A red card for centre Tom Best three minutes into the second half could have dealt a fatal blow to Canterbury’s prospects but they rose to the challenge brilliantly to dig out a bonus point victory. Their fourteen men went on to outscore the first time visitors by two tries to one in that second half and in the process lift themselves above Hinckley in the National 2 South table. Trailing by four at the turnaround the city side found themselves in deeper trouble soon after Best was banished for foul play. Hinckley centre Shane Nixon punished them with his side’s fourth try as his strong, long range run left Cameron Coates an easy conversion and Canterbury, now eleven points adrift, with it all to do. They found a way through a mixture of positive mindset, grit and opportunism and after fighting to retake the lead they took charge of the last quarter. The city men eased their troubles with a catch and drive try from skipper Jamie Stephens and a smash and grab interception by wing Guy Hilton who stole the ball and ran the length of the field when Hinckley were looking highly dangerous. Those tries, both converted by Kyan Braithwaite, came in the space of four minutes and what Canterbury had they successfully decided to hold. Early in the game there was plenty of enterprise if not accuracy as the city men went into the lead with the first of hooker Billy Young’s two tries from driving mauls. Danny Herriot’s yellow card then gave Hinckley an advantage prop Sam Greening exploited to level matters and Aaron Florenstein pushed them ahead with another short range score. Canterbury hit back through a Braithwaite penalty goal and when Young peeled round another surging maul to touch down they were looking at a narrow half time bonus. Hinckley’s lively scrum half Ben Pointon made them think again as he shot through a hole in a lineout in the final minute of the half and Joe Wilson slotted the conversion. Those swings and roundabouts made for exciting stuff but the real drama was still to come. The sending off tested the city side’s resilience and they can be proud of a response which was crowned by Braithwaite’s late penalty goal after their breakdown battlers forced Hinckley to hold on to the ball illegally.

Canterbury: K.Braithwaite, G.Hilton (repl S.Sterling), F.Morgan, T.Best, D.Corcoran, F.Reynolds, D.Heads (repl B.Cooper), A.Cooper (repl J.Otto),D.Herriott (repl E.Lusher), R.Cadman, S.Churchyard, J.Stephens (repl A.Evans), W.Waddington, T.Oliver

View match photos

v Hinckley - 12 March 2022

Images may be subject to copyright  – Phillipa Hilton

Paul Bushell’s memorial Service details


Private Committal, strictly invite only

3.30PM Memorial Service to be held at St Gregory & St Martin Church, Churchfield Way, Wye, Kent

4.30PM Celebration of Life to be held at Crown Lodge, Coldharbour Lane, Wye, Kent TN25 5HE


Dress Code: Traditional, Business smart/casual, CRFC Rugby Club Jackets.

Family Flowers only, however Donations are welcome for Pilgrims Hospices (a specific link will be shared for donations later)

To help us prepare for the day please RSVP confirming your attendance to the Memorial and/or Celebration to:
jg_twister@hotmail.com or Whatsapp to 44 (0)7919 886721


Below is a list of local establishments in the village of Wye, or closest town Ashford, Kent; with rooms and transport to assist in your attendance:

New Flying Horse, Wye Home | New Flying Horse, (newflyinghorsewye.co.uk)

The Wife of Bath, Wye The Wife of Bath – Restaurant, Bar & Rooms in Wye, Nr Ashford, Kent Kent

The Kings Head, Wye The Kings Head | Wye | Kent | Pub | Restaurant | Rooms (kingsheadwye.uk)

Eastwell Manor, Boughton Lees Hotels | Champneys

Hampton By Hilton, Ashford Rooms at Hampton by Hilton Ashford International

Travel Lodge, Ashford Travelodge Ashford Hotel – Book Now

Premier Inns, Ashford Search Page (premierinn.com)


Arrow Taxi 01233 666666 / 01233 638777

United Taxi 01233 666999

Best Cabs 01233 885255


Wye village has a Train Station, approx. 45/60 minutes from London St Pancras International