
Match report Zingari V Faversham 2nds

Canterbury 5th v Faversham 2nd
Canterbury 55pts. Faversham 10pts.

Despite the final score line the city side were made to fight for every single point by a Faversham side that refused to give up to the bitter end. In the opening exchanges, Faversham look more than Canterbury’s equal, only to be blocked by some fierce tackling. The city side weathered the storm, and fifteen minutes into the half created a break in midfield for Alex Tucker to touch down, converted by Stevens. With the account now open Canterbury probed the right-wing defence for a try out wide for Finnan Langley, and ten minutes later it was Matt Capper busting through for his contribution to the try count. The Zingari were not finished with the approach of halftime determined to get in on the act Ren Geldenhuys ripped through his would-be tacklers to go under the posts and give Stevens the simple conversion on the stroke of halftime.

The Zingari having built a comfortable cushion were taken aback by the ferocity of Faversham’s opening onslaught splitting the Canterbury defence wide open for their first score of the afternoon. Shaken by this turn of events the Zingari regrouped to play some of their best rugby of the afternoon led by the forwards winning an extortionary number of turnovers at the breakdown, opening all sort of possibilities for both backs and forwards. First to benefit was Brad Alchurch who then proceeded to slot his own conversion, followed by Finnan Langley for his second of the afternoon, and the extra points to follow from Stevens. Brad Alchurch was on hand again for his second converted try, when Faversham always looking to attack when they had possession opened up the city defence to take one back. However, it was Canterbury who had the final word with Clive Johnson squeezing in the corner, followed by Alex Tucker breaking the line to go over near the posts for his second of the afternoon, and Stevens adding the extra points to wind up the proceedings.

​Matt Capper​​ 1​
​Clive Johnson​​ 1
​Alex Tucker​​ 2
​Brad Alchurch​​ 2 + ​1 con
​Ren Geldenhuys​ 1
​Finnan Langley​ 2

​Kev Stevens​​​ 4 con

Match report - Thanet 3rds V Zingari

Match report – Thanet 3rds V Zingari

Thanet 18pts. Canterbury 17pts

The Zingari suffered a setback in their East Kent League losing out to Thanet 3rd by the narrowest possible margin. This was a fiercely fought contest from the beginning as you would expect with these two sides, with most of the action taking place midfield. It was Canterbury who first managed the break through with a well taken break for Will Rayner to touch down, with Brad Allchurch conversion to follow. This spurred Thanet a few minutes later into action with an unconverted try of their own, Thanet maintained the pressure and were soon rewarded with their second try of the afternoon. The city defence tightened and looked to be managing the situation when on the stroke of halftime Thanet broke free from a maul outside the Canterbury twenty-two finding themselves in the clear to touch down.

At the turn round the halftime team talk must have worked as the city side clawed their way back bottling up Thanet in the midfield before making some probing attacks of their own, this eventually gave Will Rayner the chance to finish off his second try of the afternoon with Brad Allchurch adding the extras. With a single point now separating the two sides the city side put on the pressure, only to be blocked by a desperate Thanet defence. This held out until deep into stoppage time before they were forced into conceding a penalty converted by Allchurch to put the city side ahead. The referee decided there was still time for the restart that Canterbury gathered deep in their twenty-two when a moment of madness struck, instead of keeping the ball tight they decided to play the ball wide with disastrous consequences conceding a penalty to give Thanet the win with the last kick of the game.

Zingari V Deal & Betteshanger

Match Report – Zingari V Deal & Betteshanger Lions

Zingari 39pts Deal & Betts 2nds 7pts


Will Rayner 2 – Luke O’Regan 3 – Jerome Weigh 2 


Luke O’Regan 2

The Zingari took another step in their East Kent League taking on Deal & Bettshanger Lions at Merton lane with a solid performance from both their forwards and backs. It didn’t take long for the city side to get on the scoreboard with will Rayner evading his tacklers to touch down out wide, and ten minutes later returning to the fold after a long absence Luke O’Regan showed us he still had the appetite for the try line with his first try of the afternoon. The Zingari forwards battling hard managed to keep the Lions pended in their own half for long periods, and with the amount of clean possession, Will Rayner was on hand with his second try of the afternoon converted by O’Regan. The city side was beginning to build a comfortable lead when Jez Weigh added to the cushion on the stroke of halftime, spotting a gap on the blind side of a maul took a pass to squeeze in at the corner.

At the turn round, Weigh was on hand again in the opening minutes following pressure from the forwards with a try from short range, and with O’Regan conversion Canterbury began to look out of sight. However, the Lions had other ideas using their forward’s power, and keeping the ball close they started to make inroads into Canterbury territory, it was now the city that had to defend. It was only the city’s fierce tackling that managed to stem the tide before Luke O’Regan put matters beyond reach. With Canterbury getting the ball wide for O’Regan he showed he hadn’t forgotten his finishing skills with two more tries to complete his hat trick, and put the city side beyond reach. The Lions despite this setback continued to mount ferocious attacks, and in the dying moments after camping on the city’s line broke through for a well-deserved consolation converted try.

The following day after the game, we received a message from Bill Hobba, Chairman of Kent Society of Rugby Football Union Referees. In his message, he stated that the Zingari V Deal game was refereed by a young official at the start of her refereeing journey, and understandably mistakes were made during the game. Bill went on to say –

“The players’ attitude towards her was tremendous and they (and Deal) supported her through the game with barely a murmur. It was exemplary and you and they should be proud. It was a timely reminder that the best of our game is alive and well!”




Whitstable 2nds V Zingari

Match report – Whitstable 2nds V CRFC Zingari

This was a different Whitstable from their previous encounter, the Whitstable pack stopped Canterbury from making any serious inroads until twenty minutes into the first half. It was down to Brad Allchurch making a welcome return to the club setting off on a charging run from deep touching down out wide, to give the city side a slim lead. Whitstable pack having the slight edge at the set piece managed to maintain their fair share of possession but seemed unable to make any meaningful breakthrough, mainly due to some fierce tackling that secured the city side a small but significant halftime lead.

At the change round it looked as if things would remain the same until ten minutes in when Will Rayner made a breakthrough to go over near the posts, and with Kev Stevens’ conversion at least daylight could now be seen between the two sides. Whitstable’s response was to try and exercise some dominance using some accurate long-range clearance kicks that seemed to be very effective, but with time running out the city backs caught the Whitstable backs time and again behind the gain line opening up all sorts of possibilities. First to take advantage was Mark Stone slipping through the defence for a converted try, followed by Will Rayner’s second of the afternoon. With the city forwards still keeping up their work rate they unleashed their backs for one final attack in the dying moments, finished by Richard Collins’ tackle-breaking run to go under the posts, and with Kev Stevens added conversion sealed the game for the city side.


Richard Collins 1

Mark Stone 1

Brad Allchurch 1

Will Rayner 2


Kevin Stevens 3

Match Report – Faversham RUFC Castaways vs Canterbury Zingari

By John Scurr

Faversham 2nds 7pts Canterbury 57pts

Canterbury cement their second place league position with an overwhelming win against a well drilled Faversham side. The city side made their intentions clear from the start with Jerome Weigh’s trade mark try breaking line from short range. This settled the sides confidence and they began to dominate play, recycling the ball at will and opening up Faversham’s defence for the backs to get their share of glory with try’s from Toby Allen and Tim Collins. Faversham did manage a reply after a loose Canterbury ball was intercepted for a converted try, but could not stop the city side amassing a 30 to 7 halftime lead. The second half it was business as usual with Canterbury dominance opening the gaps in the mid-field running in more try’s, but the last word was from the forwards with a quickly tap penalty touching down from short range to seal the match.

Johnnie Gaynor vs Weaveringg

Match report – Weavering 2nds vs Canterbury 5ths

CANTERBURY 5ths 39pts WEAVERING 2nds 15pts


A depleted thirteen man Canterbury Zingari side racked with injury and COVID took on a strong physical Weavering side in their away league fixture. Despite some pre-match misgivings about some players out of their normal positions it was the city side who took the early lead through a Clive Johnson try, followed by Pat Collins touching down ten minutes later, and Will Rayner blistering pace saw him go under the posts for Kevin Stevens simple conversion. Weavering a little shell shocked by Canterbury’s opening aggressive play hit back with a try of their own, before the new boy Johnnie Gaylor fresh from the training ground and making his debut for Canterbury outpaced the cover to touch down out wide to give the city a comfortable 22-7 point half time lead.

The second half opening was almost a carbon copy of the first, with Clive Johnson breaking a tackle to stretch over the line. Weavering galvanised themselves using their forward to make progress that paid dividends eventually breaking the Canterbury defence out wide, and then took advantage of some slack tackling from a short-range penalty to put them within 12 points. It was Canterbury’s turn to absorb the battering until the last ten minutes when Johnnie Gaynor had his fairy tale finish after the forward set up the move for him to break through under the posts for Stevens simple conversion. Despite Weavering’s forwards continuing to pressure Canterbury it was Canterbury who finished it off, with Freddie Vion breaking from some scrappy play near the Weavering line to force his way over to seal the game.

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Images may be subject to copyright – Jack Lloyd

Match report – Canterbury 5th v Maidstone Vets


Canterbury were at home in a friendly fixture to old rivals Maidstone Vets who always bring their own style of rugby to Merton lane. This was to be no different with these two well-matched sides holding a vast amount of experience between them slogged it out. It was the Zingari who managed to open the scoring followed by a sustained period of pressure that had Maidstone on the ropes late in the first half that saw Jacob Coffin make his debut try for the club, breaking from a rolling maul to dash 10yrds brushing aside the last defenders to score under the posts. Leaving himself a simple conversion. Maidstone hit back with a converted try but at this point the city side were in the ascendant managing to cross the line again, and were unlucky with the referee being unsighted denying Dai Bolt his moment of glory in his last game for the Zingari.

The second half saw the Zingari relying on the cushion they had built eased off, and Maidstone were back in the hunt scoring a try out wide, it was all about defence now as the city side reorganized and blunting the repeated surges on their line. New boy Denys Andrianjafy must have wondered what he had walked into but the line held. It was deep into the second half when the Zingari made the final breakout with another converted try to put the game to bed.

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Images may be subject to copyright – Jack Lloyd
Thanet vs Zingari

Match report – Thanet 3rds vs Canterbury 5ths

THANET 3rds 22pts vs CANTERBURY 5ths 32pts

Canterbury took on league leaders Thanet Wanderers in miserable conditions at Callis court. The city side struck first blood with an opening try after Gareth Thomas broke through in the centre to touch down and give Kevin Stevens the simple conversion. Thanet’s response was swift taking a quick tap penalty caught the city’s defence off guard to claim a try wide out. Thanet then turned the screw keeping the city side on the defence only relived by Stevens slotting a penalty, but Thanet’s efforts were rewarded with a converted try just before halftime to give them a slender two-point lead.

The second half didn’t start well for Canterbury conceding an early penalty before the city started to take control twenty minutes into the half with Kevin Stevens picking up from a maul, selling the dummy to go under the posts giving himself the simple conversion. This opened a purple patch for the city, with Patrick Collins slicing through the defence to touch down followed by Richard Collins chasing a kick through a flat defence to gather under the posts for the simple conversion by Stevens. With fifteen minutes to go Thanet stepped up a gear and it was now Canterbury defence that was tested they held out before conceding a converted try at the end of normal time, however deep into injury time, Canterbury were awarded a long-distance penalty that Stevens slotted to put the game out of sight.

Zingari vs UKC 2nds

Canterbury 5th v UKC 2nds

CANTERBURY 51pts UKC 2nds 12pts

This was the game that experience triumphed over a young athletic side, while the university had the speed the city had the technique to suppress the fiery student pack. First, it was Canterbury scrum near the university line that gave Julian Hunt the chance to break through for the opening try, followed a few minutes later by a quickly taken penalty setting up a maul for Phil Cottrell to power his way over. Not everything was going Canterbury’s way a missed tackle let the university slide through the defense to go under the post for a converted try, the reply was fairly swift with Will Rayner stretching his legs touching down in the corner, followed by Jerome Weigh powering over from short range giving Kevin Stevens the easy conversion. With halftime approaching the university had the last word with quickly taken penalty scoring out wide to reduce the city’s halftime lead to just ten points.

The second half asked the question could the Zingari keep up this furious pace, but with a Clive Johnson try followed by Pat Collins breaking through for a converted try, and Jerome Weigh claiming his second the city side looked almost out of sight. However, there was a lot of fight left in this University side, it was only Canterbury’s tackling, and ability to win the ball at the critical moments kept their line safe for the next twenty minutes. This famine was only broken by a terrible defensive mix-up on the university’s line giving a sharp Rob Paul the chance to snatch the touch down, and Stevens to add the extra points. Canterbury had a final flourish with Finn Roland finishing off a move out wide for the last play of the match and despite the overwhelming score line one of their most competitive matches of the season.

Zingari vs Maidstone Vets

Canterbury 5th v Maidstone Vets


It was Canterbury who drew first blood in the opening 5 minutes with their wingman Will Rayner side stepping the defence to break free touching down under the posts for the easy conversion. The reply was swift from Maidstone within minutes some powerful running forced their way over for an unconverted try out wide. The Zingari had to fight hard with Maidstone having the best of the territory before Jez Swan forced his way over the line on a rare visit to the Maidstone line for Canterbury’s second converted try. This was compounded just before halftime when Rob Paul picked off a loose midfield pass, and with the interception went under the posts for a converted try giving the city side a comfortable 31- 5 halftime cushion.

The second half saw The Zingari play with more confidence and purpose with Phil Cotteral first on the second half try list followed ten minutes later with Kevin Stevens adding to the total as the game went into the last quarter. At this point Canterbury took their foot off the gas, and paid the price against this experienced Maidstone side intent on breaking down the Canterbury defence soon claimed their reward with an unconverted try. Having lost the initiative, the city defence was tested against the Maidstone onslaught and held out until the final minute when Maidstone claimed their final try, this was not enough to affect the outcome but added a respectable final scoreline that reflected this contest.